Following Jesus with Sumud (steadfastness)

Preacher: Rev. Jennifer Hosler, PhD Date: March 17, 2024 Scripture: Luke 9:51-62 Two weeks ago, I worshipped with our siblings in Christ in Bethlehem, Palestine, at the Lutheran Christmas Church, where Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac is the pastor. This beautiful church at the top of the old city of Bethlehem is home to about 200 Palestinian Christian…

Reflections from Ukraine

Preacher: Brad Hendrickson Date: November 05, 2023 Scripture: Matthew 22:34–40, Luke 6:34–36 Audio for this sermon can be found here: To be posted As I’ve taken these last few weeks since Jenn and Nathan first invited me to speak to think over how I might reflect here with you this morning on some of my…


Numbers 21:4-9   Ephesians 2:1-10   John 3:14-21 Jeff Davidson The comedian Norm MacDonald has a shaggy dog story that he sometimes tells. I’m going to do a very, very shortened version of it here. A moth visits a podiatrist’s office. The podiatrist says, “What can I do for you today?” The moth says, “Doc, my life…


Mark 9:2-9 Jeff Davidson What was the best day of your life? Was it the day you got that puppy or kitten for Christmas? Was it the day you graduated from high school, or from college? Was it the day you got married? The day your first child was born? The day you got the…


Deut. 18:15-20; Mark 1:21-28; 1 Cor. 8:1-13 Jennifer Hosler How do we show love? Sometimes, it’s by holding back on the meat. Across the US, traditionally, meat and potatoes or meat and some other starch, are ubiquitous on the table. Many of our folks in this congregation come from places like Missouri or central Pennsylvania—traditionally…


Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; and Mark 1:14-20 Micah Bales I don’t need to tell you that we’re living in a particularly dark, chaotic time. We can all feel it. Our national government is off the rails in a very visible way with the present federal shutdown. But our dysfunction as a society goes…


1 Samuel 3:1-20 & John 1:43-51 Jeff Davidson   Sometimes God leads us into remarkable moments of serendipity, moments of happy coincidence. Early Wednesday morning I sent Care my sermon title and the two scripture texts we just read. On Thursday, President Trump made his infamous racist and vulgar remarks about not accepting immigrants from…

Reflections by Members of the Congregation

James 4:1-12, Colossians 3:12-17 This is the seventh sermon in our sermon series on the book of James. You can find the audio for this sermon here: *Note* The audio differs from the text. Will Morris This passage has particular resonance with me because it speaks to an on-going, interior argument of sorts that constantly goes…