Visiting and Worshiping

Getting to the Church Building

image of church doors with stained glass opening up toward the street

Are you welcome? YES!

Yes, you are welcome! All are welcome to visit and become a part of our faith community, regardless of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, class, or any other status or classification. Whatever you believe or don’t believe (or if you don’t know what you do believe), you are welcome.

Do I need to dress up?

If you want to, you can. If you don’t, feel free not to! Some in our church dress up; others dress down. Please come as you feel comfortable to worship and explore with our faith community. We are fairly informal.

Our Service

We use a projector to display prayers and songs, as well as to show videos or other worship resources. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we began to utilize Zoom and we now have a hybrid (Zoom and In-Person) worship service. People “zoom in” and they join us in person. You can do either.
We have a time in the middle of the service for “Joys and Concerns” – you can feel free to share or to remain quiet – it is up to you! Those joining via Zoom may unmute and share (cameras off or on, up to you).
We use guitar, banjo, piano, and other instruments to praise God. People of all gender identities and sexual orientations are able to have leadership roles in our worship service.

What do you have for Kids?

Every service has a children’s time where we have a Bible story reading. Every child of God (young and old!) are welcome. We have started children’s songs as well, teaching a new song every few weeks.
Kids of all ages are welcome. We have a balcony with toys where young children can play (blocks, puzzles, and other toys), under the supervision of their parents. As more families with children attend our services, we hope to provide child care.


Please feel free to email us through the Contact Us page.