
Welcome to the Washington City Online Art Gallery!

In the midst of the Covid Pandemic, we created this blog to highlight artists and creators we have in our community. Brethren are a people of community. We are artists, crafters, creators, makers. How does faith manifest in our creativity? We all have different gifts. Let us celebrate them!

Are you an artist/creator/maker and want to be highlighted in our gallery? Click here to submit your entry. Are you a parent or guardian of a young artist? Click here to submit your child’s artwork.

Enjoy the exhibit!

Deb Crouse Morris – Illustrator, Painter, Musician

What is/are your church congregation(s) and district? Attend Washington City COB via Zoom, various Episcopal churches in Zanesville OH area What do you create?  Drawing/painting, playing the flute When did you first start creating? Before I could write, I was drawing pictures.  I learned to play the flute when I was 10 years old. Describe…

Amy Ziehm – Quilter

Amy Ziehm is a member of the Arlington Church of the Brethren. She love to make quilts! Scroll down to see some of her beautiful creations and to learn more about Amy’s inspirations. What do you create?  I love to quilt!  I enjoy the design and color aspect, as well as the precision required to…

Suzanne, Maple, & Marylynne Lay – Multidisciplinary Artists

From jewelry making to painting to graphic design, this is a family of artists and creators! Suzanne grew up at Poages Mill CoB in the Virlina District and is the Communications Minister at Arlington CoB in the Mid-Atlantic District. The three of them love art night at Washington City CoB!  What do you create? Marylynne…

Lisa Houff – Photographer/Videographer

Lisa is a photographer and videographer based in the Shenandoah Valley. She is a friend of Washington City and attends the Bridgewater Church of the Brethren in Virginia. Recently, Lisa photographed the natural phenomenon, NEOWISE Comet, discovered by astronomers in March 2020. View Lisa’s photographs and read about her process below. To learn more about…

Jacob Crouse – Musician

Jacob is a DC based musician and serves as a music leader at Washington City as well as running projection, audio, and recording. He is also a member at Warrensburg Church of the Brethren in the MO/ARK District. In college, Jacob came up with his own definition of music:  “Music is the aural expression of…

Joy Kraybill – Card Maker

Joy is a longtime friend of the Washington City Church of the Brethren and currently attends Elizabethtown CoB in Pennsylvania. Each February, Joy gathers with friends and children to create special Valentines. She has been all across the country making unique cards to spread holiday smiles. Scroll down to see and read more about Joy’s…

Adriana Perez Barrios – Baker

Adriana attends the Washington City Church of the Brethren in DC. She has been baking cakes for over two years. Enjoy photos of some of her cakes and her process in creating them! To keep up with Adriana and her beautifully baked creations, follow her on Instagram @manosenlamasa Describe how your spirituality connects with your…

Merle Crouse – Poet

Merle is a member of the New Covenant Church of the Brethren in the Atlantic Southeast District. He has been attending Washington City since our Sunday worships went online. Merle has been writing poetry since he was 50 years of age. When asked about how his writing has been affected by the pandemic, he wrote,…

Black Forest Cake by Baker Adriana Perez Barrios

Adriana Perez Barrios – Baker

Adriana attends the Washington City Church of the Brethren in DC. She has been baking cakes for over two years. Enjoy photos of some of her cakes and her process in creating them!

To keep up with Adriana and her beautifully baked creations, follow her on Instagram @manosenlamasa

Peach Cake by Baker Adriana Perez Barrios

Describe how your spirituality connects with your creative process?

“When I am baking I feel closer to to God. I think it is because I am able to go through what happened in my day and speak with God like if he was there baking with me. I think the connection between my spirituality and creativity comes more when I am decorating the cake. When I decorate a cake I think about the wonderful things of God’s creation, flowers, leaves, trees, snow etc, and I think wow, God has to really be powerful and merciful to make and give of all this beauty.”

WHY do you create?

“First, I make cakes because they are delicious and when I give them to people I am giving love, for me it is a way to let people know they are special to me. Also I create because it is a opportunity to make art. I always wanted to know how to paint and draw but I am really bad at it, so I discovered that I am better creating forms and shaping an idea with butter and flour. Somehow it is easier for me to ”paint” or make drawings using butter cream, cream cheese or whipping cream. It is smoother and easier to correct if I make an error.  When I bake I feel free and ideas for decoration flow pretty easily. It also de-stresses and gives me inner peace, plus makes me feel productive in those days that there is no where to go or nothing to do.”

Orange Cake by Baker Adriana Perez Barrios

How has the pandemic (if at all) affected your creative process?

“Since coronavirus I create more content, and emphasize more than anything making flour cakes,  perhaps because we are home and there are less things to do. Also because there is some kind of satisfaction and sentimentality about eating a cake.  Before I was making all kind of desserts, like cheese cakes, mouse cake, cookies etc. But now I am just making flour cakes, and also creating some simple videos about the process I go through when I make and decorate the cake. The videos are more about trying to establish connection with people and making the social distance less harsh.”

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